Ubuntu Linux can, among other Linux distributions, run Mu. To make your Ubuntu do that follow the instructions below:
- download the latest Mu here: http://codewith.mu/
- my version is mu-0.9.12.linux.bin
- one file with an extension .bin - that's all you need!
- next type in the following commands:
- cd the_folder_where_mu_was_downloaded
- chmod + x mu-0.9.12.linux.bin
- make .bin executable
- sudo usermod -a -G dialout username
- use your own username instead of username
- finally, fire up Mu:
- ./mu-0.9.12.linux.bin
When Mu is up and running you can start coding! Try the code below, then click Flash. Make sure your micro:bit is attached. Enjoy!
If that doesn't work, try this post https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2377314