perjantai 13. tammikuuta 2017

Flint OS turns RaspberryPi 3 into a Chromebox!

Chromeboxes/Chromebooks are very easy-to-use computers. The only app you need to know is web browser. Eventhough Chromeboxes/Chromebooks are relatively cheap devices there is an even more inexpensive option available!

With RaspberryPi 3 SBC (Single Board Computer) and Flint OS you can run a Chromebox of your own. A Raspi can be purchased nowadays almost everywhere on this planet. Adafruit is selling Raspi 3 for 40 $.

All you need to do is to download the image of Flint OS and burn it on an at least class 10 SD card (make sure your card is fast enough!). Fire up your Raspi, login and start browsing the web!

Too good to be true? Well, you can't expect Flint OS and Raspi 3 to run at the same speed as your laptop or desktop computer. In addition, Flint OS has so far only reached the version number 0.2. Flint OS on Raspi 3 is very usable but not for all of us just yet. However Flint OS will mature in near future. So you'd better keep your eye on Flint OS!

Edit: A new and more stable version 0.2.1 “Beetle” was released in February 11th!

Flint OS on RaspberryPi 3

2 kommenttia:

  1. Moi. Haluaisitko kirjoittaa ohjeen suomeksi miten asentaa ubuntu touch käyttöjärjestelmä puhelimeen samsung ?
    Sulta tuntuu tietotaitoa löytyvän mutta itsellä sujuu niin huonosti englanninkielen taito että tarvitsisin sujuvat ohjeet äidinkielellä.

    Olisin äärettömän kiitollinen jos löydät toimivan ohjeen suomeksi. Kiitos jo etukäteen.

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